Thursday, November 29, 2012

Weekly Geeky 'Pinterest' Finds – Gift Edition | Grizzly Bomb

Hello, hello, hello! Welcome back to this week’s “Weekly Geeky Pinterest Finds!!!!!”. I hope everyone of the American persuasion had a great Thanksgiving, and if you aren’t American, I hope you had a great Thursday. Of course the passing of Thanksgiving means that Christmas shopping time has arrived! If you are anything like me, you have no idea what you are going to get anyone and will more than likely wait until the last possible moment, but maybe this week’s ‘Pinterest’ finds come in handy. Let’s dive right in and see if we can’t cross of a few people on your shopping list with some geeky gift ideas.

I don’t even wear earrings and I want these. How could I not? I mean come on, these are awesome. My only concern would be getting through daily errands while wearing them because surely everyone would feel the need to stop me and tell me how awesome my earrings were. Well that and I’d worry about losing an earlobe when a dog thought Joker was trying to attack my face and then decided to kill him first, but the chances of that happening are negligible so these are still awesome.

Do you have a friend or family member that recently moved into a new house or apartment? Looking for that perfect “housewarming and Christmas/holiday” gift combo? Look no further my friends for here it is- the Darth Vader Kitchen Utensil Caddy. Whether or not you use the force to cook those eggs, your spatula will look quite at home nestled snugly along with the whisk in Darth Vader’s head.

This is a must have for that movie lover on your list. If you were the type of gift giver that likes to put together a “complete package” you could include an iron, a bottle of aftershave, and perhaps some coupons for free pizza. It’s a shame I don’t know someone who’d appreciate that because what a great gift.

Do you know someone who is anxiously awaiting the return of Sherlock? Does that Sherlock fan also happen to have an iPhone? Well then look no further because this gift is just for them. You might want to gauge how crazy they are first though, because I’m sure gunshots through a wallpaper covered phone are not covered by the warranty.

My heart stopped when I saw this. On one hand, snuggie’s are sort of lame (she says while sitting wrapped in an Alabama snuggie) but on the other hand, Wonder Woman is amazing. I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest that if you know someone who likes Wonder Woman enough that they even came to mind when you saw this, then it’s probably a safe bet that they’d enjoy it.

FOR THE HORDE!!! AND ART!! What a great gift for the World of Warcraft player in your life. Well it would probably help if they play Horde, but I daresay even an Alliance member would appreciate it. Well maybe not but it’s worth a shot. This is pretty damn cool, no matter who you play for.

Now this one is linked to an etsy page and the item has sold but if you are the least bit handy, I’m sure you could somehow figure out how to make this. If you do, tell me how because I want to get a gift for myself. This light switch would look amazing in my office. Yea, that’s right- light switch. You could have a childhood flashback of playing Pac-Man for hours at the arcade when you turn on the ceiling light. Awesome.

Say you’ve made a deal with your spouse/significant other/sibling/friend that you’d only do handmade gifts. And perhaps that person is a Lord of the Rings fan (because who isn’t?), well this is your lucky day because look what I found. This is a lembas bread holder. In other words, this is awesome. Even if you didn’t put forth the effort to make the lembas bread, I’m sure it would hold a peanut butter and jelly just as well.

Finally for all those Harry Potter fans in your life, a t-shirt that Cho Chang would totally rock. I’m not ashamed to admit that I really want this shirt. If a certain Santa were reading this, I’d be more than thrilled to find this under the tree.

There you have it! Hopefully this helped y’all with at least one person on your list. If not, then maybe you found some gift ideas for yourself, no shame in that. Until next time!


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